Capacity in law

Objective: to acquire the equivalent of a Baccalauréat to study law at university

Law degree studies are designed to provide students with the legal knowledge needed to practise various legal and paralegal professions.

The Diplôme de Capacité also gives access to certain civil service competitive examinations for category B jobs.

Obtaining the Certificat de Capacité, with an average of 10 out of 20, enables direct entry into the 1st year of the LICENCE in Law. Students with an average of 15 over the two years can enroll in the 2nd year of the LICENCE in Law.

Organization and program

Classes run from September to April, from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, with 3 classes per week in the first year and 4 to 5 classes per week in the second year.

COURSES 1st year
- Private law (civil law and commercial law)
- Public law

COURSES 2nd year
- Civil procedure and enforcement
- Criminal law and procedure
- Political economy
- Special administrative law
- Private notarial law
- Labor law

180 hours of theoretical instruction are given to trainees in each of the two years of the Law Degree.


Only candidates with an average score in the written exams are allowed to sit the oral exams. There are two examination sessions per year. Passage to the second year is conditional on passing the first year's exams.

Training financed by the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region

Jobseekers can obtain a place financed by the Occitanie Region (subject to official notification from the Region).

This scheme is reserved for jobseekers meeting the following cumulative criteria:

  • must be registered with Pôle emploi
  • have been out of initial training for more than 2 years
  • wishing to acquire a diploma or qualification to facilitate professional integration

Jobseekers must obtain a prescription from one of the following advisors (Pôle Emploi, Missions Locales, Cap Emploi, CIDFF, APEC, Conseils Départementaux, Fongécif).

The prescriber validates the project, checks the prerequisites and draws up the prescription form for submission to the Continuing Education Department.