BAC equivalent

Legally, the bac is still the highest level of higher education.
However, failing the bac does not preclude the pursuit of higher education, particularly at university.

There are two equivalents to the Baccalauréat when it comes to taking a higher education diploma:

  • The "capacité en droit " (two-year general legal training course) for entry to the first year of a law degree, a DUT in legal careers or a BTS in notarial studies. The "capacité en droit" also qualifies you to sit competitive examinations for the civil service.
  • The Diplôme d'Accès aux Études Supérieures (Higher Education Access Diploma) option Sciences (DAEU- B) puts you back on the path to university studies, enabling you to :
    1. validate a State Diploma equivalent to the Scientific Baccalaureate
    2. go on to study in higher education, particularly in the fields of science, technology and health: Licence, BUT, BTS...
    3. take Level 4 competitive examinations

To join the next promotion of the Diplôme d'Accès aux Études Supérieures option Sciences (DAEU- B), apply here