Work-study programs: What are they? Who is involved? How can you benefit?

We've been hearing about work-study schemes for a number of years, but they're often a source of confusion...

What does it actually mean?

Who can benefit from work-study programs? What are the formalities? What's the difference between work-study programs and apprenticeships? Between apprenticeship contracts and professionalization contracts?

Salomé Bessaïh, in charge of development at the University of Montpellier's Continuing Education Department, and Céline Alignan, in charge of apprenticeship development at the ENSUPLR CFA , invite you to join them:

Monday, April 15, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. for a webinar dedicated to work-study schemes.


  • Introduction to professionalization and apprenticeship contracts
  • Key players to know
  • Tools and resources

The webinar will end with a discussion session, an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

This webinar is part of the Forum Alternance, an event organized by the SCUIO-IP in partnership with the CFA de l'Enseignement Supérieur - Sud de France, the Service Formation Continue de l'Université de Montpellier and the faculties, schools and institutes of theUniversity of Montpellier.