[Event] National Career Day

Career transition: all the steps to evolve, change profession or status

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2021: National Career Transition Day, bringing together over 100 players across France[LINK].

The SFC-UM supports you in your career transition project through individual interviews.
Make an appointment in person (Montpellier Richter) or by distance learning (zoom):[LINK]

Themes :

  • University and vocational training in Management, Law, Economics, Management, Health, Sports, Science and Technology, Education, Aquaculture, DAEU B from BAC to BAC+5.
  • Financing schemes (Contrat de professionnalisation, CPF, VAE/VAP, training courses financed by the Occitanie region, etc.)

Further information:
04 34 43 21 81