Discover our subsidized training courses for jobseekers

The Continuing Education Department of the University of Montpellier is a partner of the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region in the training of jobseekers through the FORPRO SUP program.

BAC equivalent

Take the equivalent of the BAC Scientifique (DAEU B: Diplôme d'Accès aux Études Universitaires option Sciences)!

This course is co-financed by the Occitanie Pyrénées - Méditerranée region.

Training courses subsidized by the Occitanie Pyrénées - Méditerranée Region for 2024-2025

Who can benefit?

This training offer is aimed at young and adult jobseekers who have been out of the school system for more than 24 months, and who have not benefited from a training course financed by La Région for at least 1 year.