Je filme ma formation competition: Dive in with the fish farmers

A team of six aquaculture continuing education trainees are taking part in the 7th edition of the Je filme ma formation* competition.
Their video has been shortlisted by the official selection jury and will be eligible for a prize on May 16, the day of the ceremony at the Grand Rex in Paris.

The aim is above all to help young people, but also working people looking for a career change, to find out more about existing training courses and professions. Present a sector of activity, a profession, through the eyes of those who are currently learning.

Support, share, like and broadcast Cécile, Amélie, Gyress, Lucas, Pierre and Gérald's video to optimize their chances of winning!

* Educational video competition under the patronage of the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the French Ministry of Labor, and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation